I will be appearing at the KENDAL MOUNTAIN FESTIVAL in the Town Hall on Saturday 21st August on the panel supporting Jesse Alexander. Tickets are now available and I look forward to seeing you there.
On another note, the past few weeks have been extremely busy but those of you that know me are aware that I never complain about my work load at all. I simply love doing what I do and never take it for granted.
A Golden Sun sets over Ravenglass
Recently, I have trawled my kit around a large engineering factory, on a narrow gauge railway, at Kevin and Rachels landscape wedding, whilst demonstrating landscape photography, perched on a castle roof, whilst being 'bombed' by a Vulture, undertaking landscape commissions for magazines until I finally placed it back down and sat at the 'Mac' writing!
Normally, work is naturally spread out but some of these where seasonally specific and although we have had a lovely October, two of the commissions dictated that the autumnal colours really had to be evident. They have been very late arriving this year and as you travel around you see them presenting in different states of colour across the country.
As I write this, the bright autumnal days seem to have receded but it is warmer than it has been. With the leaf colour now quickly fading and the wind increasing, I can hear the cry approaching, "Winter draws on!'
Merino wool and very comfy too....