I am often asked, "So, I take it you go out everyday looking for things to photograph?"
The answer to that is no. Whilst I love doing that there is a business to run. That means creating concepts, selecting and processing images, delivering workshops, researching and writing articles, 'pitching' for work and undertaking the accounts. Like any other business, it is just that. A business when all said and done but I wouldn't swap my work life for anything.
Having lived around a big city for most of our life we moved to the relatively 'countryfide' location of Davenham in Cheshire this year.
That coupled with my regular trips to Cumbria mean that when I venture into the 'big cities' i notice the noise and 'hubbub' so much.
City 'Peaks' of a different kind...
I wouldn't want that anymore as the norm.
I have had several business reasons to venture back into Manchester recently as well as London and I am glad for our home.
Anyway as well as the accounts that are taking up most of this week, my 'talk' circuit is well underway and next Monday I am at Grange under Sands delivering 'A Bit Of A Journey' to the local Photographic Society. I am really looking forward to it and you are most welcome to be there at the Methodist hall for 7.30. I would love to see you and I know they will welcome you with open arms.
The next few weeks towards Christmas are taken up with workshops and meetings then even I shut down for the festive period. Well that is unless the snow arrives.....then its full steam back for more workshops.
Talking of the festive period, I currently have an offer on my photographs. The details can be found on the banner at the top of the page.
As I write this some six weeks down the line since the Landscape Awards, I am still receiving congratulations from across the world. I am truly humbled and so grateful for each and every one of you that has taken the time and trouble to pen me a few lines. Some have been so touching and reduced me to tears. the power of photography....
Take care and have a great time whatever you do.