I spent last weekend at the Liverpool Exhibition centre on the FUJIFILM stand at Digital Splash.
Over the two days I gave six talks based around my experiences with landscape photogrpahy and I thank all of the lovely people who came along and gave me such a great reception.
Yours Truly telling it how it is (photo by kind permission of Vicki Proctor)
It was a nice feeling, not daunting, seeing folk getting into position more than 20 minutes in advance and most of the talks were given with standing room only. You never know who is going to turn up or what kind of reception you will receive but I am pleased to say that the response was very good. Just as pleasing was the fact that several of my former students had travelled to hear me talk and I had a nice couple of brews with them afterwards.
One other aspect to mention is the way that the staff from FUJIFILM made me feel an integral part of their team. It is always nice when you just 'slot' right in.
Whilst I have been delivering to societies for over 30 years, it was different competing with the stands alongside and around. The cacophony of noise added to the atmosphere and although I was mentally tired at the end of each day, I was grateful for FUJIFILM for giving me the chance to speak on their behalf.
Prior to the weekend I had spent several days in the Lakes running workshops and I do sometimes wonder where the time goes.
John on Day One by a very blustery Wast Water
Day Two by the gorgeous River Esk and we are hidden under trees as the rain lashes down around us.
I spent the majority of it in Eskdale. I love that area and no matter what the season it never disappoints. I want to give a big shout out to John Ridgeon who was on his 1-1 workshop. We experienced days of weather that would test most people and to hear him 'purring' when he saw the fruits of his labour made the time well spent.
Due to the heavy rain, this weeks workshops have been postponed and I have to say that seeing the effects of the flooding, my heart and good wishes go out to those who are now annually affected by them.
Lets hope that they don't experience them like last year.
TRAIL MAGAZINE are running my 'tips' articles in the run up to the Mountain Photographer Of The Year which will conclude soon and BERGHAUS have now published my latest blog for them.
So, it is back to Keswick now and several workshops on the bounce.
Bring them on...