Well summer certainly disappeared, whimpered even and now autumn is upon us.
The early morning mist has started creeping in and the Heather has all but gone. Soon the white stuff will descend as frosts and snow blanket the landscape when everyones garden will look good!
At present I feel like I am a photographer who hasn't been taking photos. It is what I love doing but my time is else where just now.
It isn't uncommon, just ask most pros who will tell you that they spend a considerable amount of time NOT at the camera. I look forward to the coming weeks when I will be going out and doing the best I can to capture what I see.
Shooting to order is one thing but being able to photograph what I like? That is a great pleasure.
My time has been valuably spent teaching (which I enjoy tremendously) and I even managed to squeeze a trip abroad into the schedule. Lanzarote was a cracking week.
The past fourteen days has seen me running a couple of workshops.
Chris was first and he was a very accomplished 'snapper'. he hadn't been back to the lakes for over 30 years and as he is about to retire he trusted me to take him somewhere special to deliver his workshop.
I headed for the Langdales as it never disappoints no matter what the weather. He wrote me a really nice testimonial after his day and it is always nice to receive them.
Much appreciated!
I spent a day this week again over in the Langdales with three lovely ladies, Mary, Jill and Nikki who were really keen to get the most from their cameras.
Nikki, Mary and Jill concentrating at Blea Tarn
Chris getting down to it by 'that fence' by Blea tarn
It was a pleasure to meet them all and I wish them well with their journey in photography.
We dodged the weather, just and I was grateful this week for the help that Vicki Proctor gave me.
Vicki and I are running photo walks as from next April and I will post details later on in the year.
My work with FUJI gathers pace and as well as the workshops and writings that I have undertaken for them, I have been preparing my talk for the DIGITAL SPLASH event in Liverpool on 7/8 October this year.
I will be delivering six one hour talks and I hope you can attend.
Will be nice to meet and see you there.
I am looking out of the window and its grim.
Roll on the summer.....