Firstly I would like to wish you all a happy new year. I hope it gives you what you want and you enjoy good health.
Ours started on a back foot as most of you know. New Years Eve proving a difficult time as we lost our car in the Liverpool Arena car park fire. You often hear people remarking 'oh it was like a war zone' when they refer to a situation. Well let me tell you, It was like a war zone with vehicles exploding every few minutes. The emergency services did all they could but it raged out of control so quickly especially as the vehicles were in such a close proximity. The end result was inevitable.
All 1400 written off as a loss. at present i am dealing with all the insurance issues.
Fortunately no one was injured yet finding ourselves stranded on a rain sodden NY eve was an experience we will laugh about in future.
However at present.....
Apart from that, I have enjoyed the festive season and took time out to literally chill with our family.
Car apart, the coming twelve months are already busy and I look forward to welcoming so many people from home and abroad to my workshops.
My work with FUJIFILM continues and I look forward to that developing throughout 2018.
There will be a new blog on their website from me in the coming days and I will post the link when it goes live.
It was also an honour to be asked by LEE Filters to provide the critiques for their monthly assessments as folk from across the globe sent in their images.
It was a hard choice to select from so many and I have been pleased with the comments and personal emails from those involved thanking me for my words.
Whilst I am currently carless, I managed to get out and about for a day with Vicki Proctor. We visited the River Brathay, Rydal Mount and The Langdales.
The forecast was for fog and mist but it never really materialised. It was a bit frosty so we made the most of it.
Vicki working down by The Brathay.
We enjoyed the 'me time' of simply shooting what we stumbled across and it was another type of 'stumbling across' that further delighted me.
After spending a couple of hours by the river, we decided to go for a brew but we kept stopping to shoot what presented itself to us.
I quite like abstracts and images that are a little different and we stopped to shoot some tree stumps and logs that were near the metal bridge on the way back.
A screen shot of 'The Running Man'
As we walked along the footpath back to the car, a couple who were approaching us suddenly stoped me in my tracks. It is always nice to see old friends but when you literally stumble across them where you'd never expect to find them, well it makes it even more special. I had worked in the Home Office with Paul for many years and enjoyed the 'occasional' social pint with him. It was great to see him and his wife. The last time i had a lengthy conversation with me he said 'Gilly we must meet up in the lakes when your not busy.' We did! I was also entrusted to shoot his wedding many years ago and undertook a family portrait session with them. Lovely bunch of people! After a nice chat we headed on back for a brew and a welcome croissant (I know I'm so posh....ha ha) then it was decided that Vicki and I would go onto to Rydal Mount and take a few snaps at the Grot.
Surprisingly, I had never been there in all my travels around the lakes and loved what it had to offer.
As it was now approaching mid afternoon, we then headed on over to the Langdales and as I parked up near to the cattle grid above Blea Tarn, I couldn't believe my eyes. The guy in the car already there looked over at me, double took and we both began laughing. This time I managed to 'stumble' across David from the Biggleswade Photographic society. He had booked me over a year ago and he and his wife looked after me royally. I am pleased to say that I have been re booked for next year and look forward to staying with them again.
I had spoken at Biggleswade only a matter of weeks ago. It was great to see him and we then all waked up Side Pike and took a few snaps together as the sun descended behind Bow Fell.
For me the day reminded me why I do what I do.
Great to be out on the fells and enjoying the best company and friendships that are special.
Not a bad way to shake off the NY's eve debacle....
Enjoy your photography wherever you go.