Firstly let me wish you a happy and healthy new year.
It would appear at present, that the current threat of this pandemic may, I say may, be receding but of course. caution is the watch word. Whatever happens, we will continue to observe the guidance according to ‘GOOD TO GO’ and NOT let down our guard.
Whilst I have been planning and scheduling my landscape photography workshops and courses for the year, it has been great to get out on a few shoots of my own and I have enjoyed several on my other project at Delamere. Whilst Dinorwic is my ‘main’ objective and will remain so, I love nipping out to the forest and seeing what presents itself.
Personally, I have never been one for planning photography days other than ‘lets go here, today.’
Thats because when I began many moons ago, I quickly found out that the weight of expectation can be ruined by doing that and you become disappointed more often than not. Sure, there are days when the forecast indicates great potential but even on those days it can be a let down.
What I particularly enjoy about working in the woodland are the challenges it presents. Sometimes I look and ‘no pun intended,’ I literally can’t see the wood for the trees. Then at other times, it suddenly appears before you. These challenges ensure that you continue to push yourself and use your kit in different ways. Just as importantly it teaches you to open your eyes that little bit more creating more of an understanding in what is around you.
The Lost World
Always a good thing!
As a result of these forest trips, I have now added a new Delamere section to my online shop with a few of my recent snaps and I hope you enjoy them. There are several genres among them.
At this time of year, I normally spend a considerable amount of time writing articles and cataloguing my work for loading on to agency sites. On top of that, it is the season for me to re gig and update the four talks I have. New stuff always comes along and it is good for me to ensure that the presentations are current and as fresh as they can be.
It is always a pleasure to be asked to visit and talk to societies and since we turned into ‘22 I have managed to deliver a couple of zoom talks and an ‘in person’ delivery at Shropshire. My first actual appearance in nigh on two years and it felt great! Whilst I understand and support the reasoning for online presentations, nothing beats the reality of being there and I was grateful for the turnout and response. It is always humbling to be asked back and I look forward to scheduling these new requests in for next year.
So the year has begun in earnest and we are already towards the back end of January. I heard the Woodpeckers hammering away at the trees the other day, so not too long before the Spring makes an appearance.
Whatever the weather and however you choose to move forward, I hope that you continue to enjoy your photography.